Balance Brewing & Blending targeting July taproom opening

Manchester-based Balance Brewing & Blending expects to open its new taproom this summer.

In a statement, they explained: “At the end of 2022 we began the move to our new site on Sheffield Street, just behind Manchester’s Piccadilly station. Balance Brewing & Blending started in 2021 with just 24 ex-red wine barrels inside a shared space with Manchester Brewing Co.

“Since then we’ve moved all the barrels across from the old site, as well as acquiring 79 more barrels and a foeder, giving us a whole lot more beer! This growth has allowed us to go from a part-time to a full-time operation, both Will and James having worked at other breweries (Track and Squawk respectively) during the first eighteen months of the business.

“We’re really excited about the possibilities this new space will bring us: we’ll have more beer to blend; a chance to collaborate with more people (including local restaurants, foragers and of course, breweries); and have the space for a taproom.”

Taproom Plans

They added: “Plans are afoot to convert the front quarter of the brewery into a taproom space, seating roughly fifty people. Building is to begin at the start of June and we are currently aiming for a mid-July open. There’ll be schooners of saison, bottle pours from freshly released beers, all to be enjoyed with beautiful oak barrels as the backdrop.

“We plan to host tastings with collaborating breweries, events with local producers, groups and artists and overall establish a sense of community. We cannot wait to be able to serve our beers direct from the source and be able to effuse about this uniquely delicious style of beer.

About Balance 

Balance Brewing & Blending was founded in Manchester in 2021. We are the only brewery in Manchester producing exclusively barrel aged, mixed fermentation beers. Our beers take time; each one spending the best part of a year in barrel before being blended, often onto hops or fruit. The factor of time, alongside our house culture of wild yeast and bacteria, results in complex yet balanced beers. We have a focus on locally sourced ingredients and we only use British produce. All of our beers are vegan.

Image: Balance Brewing & Blending