Werewolf Beer supporting premenstrual charity with new beer launch

Werewolf Beer is launching Groovy, a beer raising funds and awareness for Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder.

Groovy is a blood orange & thyme radler, brewed with help from Craft Cares and Larissa from Mad Yank Brewery. The sales will raise funds for IAPMD Global. IAPMD is an association offering support and resources for people with Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder. IAPMD’s work is crucial as people with PMDD are at much higher risk of suicide.

Its first pour at the taproom on Saturday 6/08 from 3pm at Werewolf Beer in Arch 87 Randolph Street NW1 0SR.

Supporting this charity was the idea of Polly, Werewolf’s Sales and Marketing Manager. As a PMDD sufferer herself, she wanted to give back to the community who helped her get diagnosed in 2019 and put words on years of suffering, as well as to raise awareness, especially in a male-dominated industry like craft beer. The team chose to brew a radler as it’s the perfect summer beer, and its low ABV means it can be enjoyed by everyone. They picked blood orange because it’s a delicious citrus fruit that doesn’t clash with SSRI’s like grapefruit.

Program of the launch event :

3pm – 5pm : a talk about menstrual disorders and the place of women / AFAB people in a male-dominated industry, hosted by Melissa Cole.

Polly will talk about her personal experience with PMDD, how to manage it with a full-time job and how IAPMD can support people with menstrual disorders. Beer blogger Craft Beer Pinup and Melissa Cole will chat about the challenges of being a woman / AFAB person in the beer industry. Lastly, the IWW Brewery Workers union will talk about our rights as employees, and what we can demand / expect from employers.

5pm – 9pm : beers brewed on site, brewery tours, a ride on the ghost train and the usual great vibes found only at Werewolf Beer!

What is PMDD? PMDD stands for Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder. It is a chronic condition where the brain reacts negatively to cyclical hormonal fluctuations. PMDD is not PMS, nor is it a hormonal imbalance. Symptoms include : severe depression, anxiety, paranoia, insomnia, fatigue, sore joints, body aches, bloating, cramps, brain fog, intrusive thoughts, suicidal thoughts… They arise at ovulation, last through luteal phase (roughly 2 weeks) and fade once the next period starts and a new cycle begins.

1 in 20 people with a uterus have PMDD, and 30% of those people have attempted or will attempt suicide. The only cure for PMDD is a full hysterectomy and oophorectomy (the removal of the uterus and ovaries) as a last resort. Treatment options vary from person to person : SSRI’s, hormonal contraception, lifestyle changes,… Managing PMDD is a journey of trial and error.

With Groovy, Werewolf Beer is hoping to help IAPMD save more lives, but they also want to shake things up in this male-dominated industry. Just as if being a woman / AFAB person in craft beer wasn’t hard enough, some of us have to do it while suffering from an invisible, chronic condition.

Groovy comes in kegs (30L kegstar) AND cans (24 x 440ml cans). Werewolf Beer committed to donate £10 per keg and £12 per case sold to IAPMD.