Time To get involved in Cask Ale Week

Brewers across the UK are being encouraged to get involved in Cask Ale Week.

“If ever there were a time for breweries to promote cask beer, it is now,” said industry expert Paul Nunny. “And if ever there were a timely opportunity, it is Cask Ale Week, which starts 23rd September.

“Everyone in the sector is warmly invited to get involved. You can use it to boost sales of your beer and at the same time, you’ll be supporting the overall effort to promote cask beer – and pub going. 

“Together we can make an impact that acting in silos it’s impossible to make.”

Attracting people back through the doors of the pub this Autumn is of paramount importance to everyone in the brewing and on trade industries. Cask Ale Week unites the trade in the effort to win back the many sales lost to take home and food and drink delivery services during the lockdowns.  

It is not too late to join in. 

Ideas for breweries include:-

  • organise ale trails independently or with the help of Cask Marque and the CaskFinder app
  • run tasting sessions / meet the brewer night with a local pub
  • offer spokespeople to local radio stations to talk about the importance of cask beer 
  • set up photos of team members with cask ales and use on social media
  • Create the regional launch of Cask Ale Week. “It’s there for the taking. Why not just own it in your area?” asks Nunny. “Media outlets will be much more interested in your activity if they know it’s part of a national week, and part of a countrywide campaign to stand up for cask – the drink that is unique to the pub.”

There is a strong commercial incentive to promote cask ale.  CGA says that 47% of cask drinkers drink out at least weekly, compared to 30% on average, and that they spend 17% more on eating and drinking out than the average consumer1

Given that in 2019 the off trade beer market already stood at 4,451 million pints2, it is clear that even a relatively modest conversion of home drinkers to pub-goers could help keep pubs open and breweries brewing. Cask Ale Week is certainly an opportunity for outlets that stopped stocking cask because of the pandemic to reinstate it. 

“Cask Ale Week is an ideal time to welcome those hand pumps back on the bar and to make the venue back into a real pub with real beer again,” explained Nunny. “The key thing is, if you are going to bring it back, do it in style and promote it effectively. ” 

Maintaining Choice

In 2019, around 10,000 different cask beers were produced in Britain. The range and quality was better than ever for licensees and for drinkers. “This magnificent choice in terms of styles, flavours, aromas, colours and strengths can be restored if the industry pulls together. 

“Use our campaign #standupforcask and Cask Ale Week as part of your efforts to actively drive sales and retain choice in the sector.

Cask Ale Week is open to all to use. The only requirement is that any cask beer crossing the bar into the hands of customers is served in excellent condition. “Use our banner, exploit the opportunities, join forces – but for goodness’ sake, make every pint a great one,” concluded Nunny.

To download the Cask Ale Week and #standupfor cask logos and social assets, go to https://caskaleweek.co.uk/download-logos/ . To add your events or promotions to the Cask Ale Week website, go to https://caskaleweek.co.uk/get-involved/